Prepares for Ash Wednesday and
the Season of Lent in the
Apostolic Palace.
The Archbishop said, '' We should give our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ for His sake, not pride or vanity. It is a time of public worship but private prayer and fasting to grow closer to the Lord (Matt. ch. 6:1-6). Through the Lord's Church, Jesus invites us to accompany Him on this forty days journey and consecrational retreat into the secret place of the Lord (Matt. ch. 4: 1-11). We should not just survive the trials of Lent, but rather tear down the strongholds of evil throughout the season with fasting and prayer, that God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Matt. ch. 17:21). The Ashes proclaim to the world that we are united in brotherly love with other Catholics, Christians, Jews, and Muslims around the world in fasting, prayers, penance, and giving of alms to be a powerful and Holy people of intercession ''.
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